I have this song in my car I listen to and whenever the singer says, "Jesus is freedom," all this joy bubbles up inside of me. It really does. That phrase didn't used to mean anything to me, especially when I was in high school. The kids from the christian group would always be talking about Jesus and freedom.
And I always thought, 'freedom?' I'm not in jail or anything, I'm free.'
I've come to realize more and more that before we finally understand things, we are totally blind. I understand things now that before, it was like a blindfold was over my eyes. Now, the thought of Jesus as freedom makes perfect sense to me. Not only does it make perfect sense, it makes me so incredibly happy. The thing about bondage is, most times when we're held, we have no idea we're in prison. Before I was a christian I thought that I was supposed to be living free and doing whatever I wanted, and that was fine, but it wasn't.
A lot of people think that christians are so restricted because of all of their rules. They think we must be boring and judgmental and oppressed. But they are dead wrong. I understand that kind of thinking because I once thought that too. I once felt sorry for the christians I knew.
I thought, 'how sad it is for them to have such a boring life. While I'm having fun and can do whatever I want, they are stuck with tons of rules.'
But I didn't realize that the life I was living was actually the one in trouble. Despite all their rules and supposed boring lives, I couldn't understand why christians were always so joyful. If they had it so bad why were they so happy and me, living life the way I wanted, so unhappy? I didn't realize that I was in bondage, I was a slave. Satan, the father of lies, had me believing that God didn't care about me, and that everything I was looking for, everything that could make me happy, would be found in the world.

But now, now I am truly FREE. I don't live the same life I lived before, I don't do the same things, go to the same places, say the same things, think the same things. Some people might call my life constricted, but I have honestly never felt more completely free in my entire life. Over the years God has been slowly stripping me of all my bondage and I have watched in disbelief and joy as the chains fall off one by one.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36
Thinking back on high school me I really wish that I could have known what real freedom feels like.
This is freedom. Freedom is knowing that you have a father in heaven who knows you completely and loves you completely and knowing that that love is never going to end. Freedom is knowing that your value is not based on a single thing except for the fact that you are God's beloved child. Freedom is not having to ever be afraid, because you have complete assurance that God is taking care of you and has good plans for your life. Freedom means no guilt or self condemnation, only grace.
I wish everyone knew this freedom, I don't know how I ever lived without it.
Song Recommendation:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ppgde6wVwAM
Song Recommendation:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ppgde6wVwAM
"You count it strange, so once did I." Another good one!