Monday, December 17, 2012

God blessed the broken road

I used to really dislike the song, “God Blessed the Broken Road.” I just thought it was stupid and corny…but NOW I love it. Well, its starting to grow on me. I listened to a bible teacher talking about that song and relating it to their walk with Jesus and something just hit me! In my head usually things make sense but it takes a while longer for my heart to catch up. While listening to the teacher talk about the song in that way, my heart suddenly caught up.

Suddenly, things that seemed to be so important before, didn’t even matter anymore. God frequently completely flip flops my perspective on things and it rocks my world. It takes me days to comprehend what He is showing me, and to try to wrap my mind around how awesome He is.

Before I had always thought of the song lyrics as a boyfriend/girlfriend thing, but thinking about Jesus instead really opened my eyes to things I had never seen before.

Every long lost dream led me to where you are, others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars, pointing me on my way into your loving arms

Everything seems different when you stop saying to the people who have hurt you in the past, “That was a horrible thing to do, I expect an apology,” and say instead, “It doesn’t matter anymore, thanks for pointing me to Jesus.”

That person I thought was such a problem, well maybe they were just a part of the process. Things from your past sure look different when you stop feeling forever regretful about them and start looking at them instead as a gift.


I think about the years I've spent, just passing through, I'd like to have the time I lost, and give it back to you. But you just smile and take my hand, You've been there, you understand, it's all part of a grander plan that is coming true.

Sometimes I think about the time before I accepted Jesus and I regret that I wasted so much time trying to find happiness and love and purpose when He was right there waiting for me the whole time. But I’m realizing that thinking about the past takes all the joy out of the present.

Life really is just a journey, with bumps and curves and turns and even some potholes. Imagine taking a really long journey and along the way you get a flat tire. And after a while you get if fixed and continue on the road. But all along the road you are still upset thinking about the flat tire and complaining that the whole trip was ruined.

That’s ridiculous right? But I think that’s what we do in life sometimes, at least I do. I keep holding onto things that happened and are over. Things that shouldn’t matter anymore because they’re over. So that’s what Jesus really said to me through that song. He said, ’Katie life is a journey! There aren’t certain moments that define the whole trip! Its all just a long road leading you to your savior.”

EVERY experience in my life LED me to Jesus, led me to my savior. If I hadn’t had the life that I did I don’t know if I would be with Jesus right now. And if I did accept Jesus, I don’t know if I would be as close to Him.

This much I know is true, that god blessed the broken road that led me straight to you

I know its true that God has blessed my life, all the good and all the bad. He has blessed my journey and He is using everything and turning it into good.

I have also found that when you stop holding onto things that don’t matter, you have a lot more time for things that actually do matter. It is the most freeing feeling.

Its one thing to acknowledge with your head that things happen and are over and need to be let go of. Its another thing entirely to have that sink into your heart and really get it. I thank God every day that I finally get it. That I have been set free and have been given from God a peace that literally passes ALL understanding.

One night I sat in my car thinking about my life before Christ and my life now and I was grasping for understanding. My life has done a one hundred percent turn in the opposite direction. And sitting in my car I couldn’t wrap my mind around the miracle that God had performed. I was as shocked as if I had seen a lame man walk or a blind man see for the first time. I just over and over again, “God how did you do that? Thank you so much.”

Three and a half years ago I came to Jesus with empty hands. I came absolutely broken. I came to Jesus with absolutely nothing. I was so empty. Now I look in the past and I see a broken road leading me straight to Jesus. I look in the future and I see endless hope and I look around me and I look within me and I am anything but empty. I am full in joy, peace, and love. I have been blessed in so many ways I cant count them all. Jesus has filled me overflowing

Listen to this song and if, like me, you don’t really like it, throw those negative thoughts about it out for the window for a couple of minutes. Think of every lyric of this song in context to Jesus.